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Into the Woods with Holly Worton

Dec 28, 2015

R2B127 Holly Worton ~ How to Revolutionize Your Business Mindset for 2016

Today’s Guest

I'm back with another solo episode. Today, I'm talking about how to revolutionize your business mindset for the new year. This episode is a brief introduction to the kind of work I'm going to help people with in my upcoming online program, the Business Mindset Clarity Intensive. I'm really excited to...

Dec 21, 2015

R2B126 Sylvie McCracken ~ How to Create Passive Income Through Ebooks

Today’s Guest

I can't remember when I first discovered Sylvie McCracken, today's guest. It was sometime this year, and I downloaded her fantastic free cheat sheet on How to START (the Right) Ebook That Creates Passive Income Like Crazy. I've got a number of books in the pipeline, and I found her advice to be...

Dec 14, 2015

R2B125 Kat Loterzo ~ How to Be True to Yourself & Commit to What's in Your Heart

Today’s Guest

I've been following today's guest, Kat Loterzo, online for a few years now, and I love how she's grown her business. She's a content creating powerhouse with an inspiring message that so clearly reflects her personality and her energy. I'm very excited to have her on the show today sharing her story...

Dec 14, 2015

R2B125 Kat Loterzo ~ How to Be True to Yourself & Commit to What's in Your Heart

Today’s Guest

I've been following today's guest, Kat Loterzo, online for a few years now, and I love how she's grown her business. She's a content creating powerhouse with an inspiring message that so clearly reflects her personality and her energy. I'm very excited to have her on the show today sharing her story...

Dec 7, 2015

R2B124 Beth Grant ~ How to Align Your Marketing With Who You Are

Today’s Guest

I discovered Beth Grant only recently, when I worked with Lisa Wechtenhiser, who was a guest here on episode 88. During her Soul + Strategy Business Jam Session (which, by the way, was AMAZING), she mentioned Beth's Archetype Alignment Grid and where I was on it. Having this perspective has completely...