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Into the Woods with Holly Worton

Dec 16, 2016

BMP177X Tameka Allen ~ 5 Reasons You're Struggling in Business & What to Do Instead

Today's Guest

I'm excited to introduce today's guest, Tameka Allen. Today, we talk all about some of the top mistakes that entrepreneurs make...not just newbies, but also more established business owners. She's got great tips on what to do if you're struggling in business, and I know you'll enjoy today's episode.

About Tameka Allen

Tameka Allen is a Business Strategist, Certified Coach, Speaker, and the Founder of​. She works with professional women who are frustrated with their careers and are ready to step out and start their own business. Tameka helps them embrace the value of their undeniable gift, gain clarity on their business strategy, and take intentional action to build a business they love.

Today, there are thousands of women working in careers they hate. The reasons they remain in these careers varies, but ultimately, they settle for the status quo due to the lack of clarity to understand what they want, the value of what they offer and the need for their expertise in the marketplace. For these reasons, Tameka is on a mission to help professional women break free from these challenges and create the business and life they want.

When she’s not showing women how to build their dreams, you can find her watching Scandal, on the beach with her hubby, or cutting up with her three kids.

Tameka has 12 years experience as a Human Resources Leader and Trainer, a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Coach Certification through the Coaching and Positive Psychology (CaPP) Institute​, and she’s a member of the International Coach Federation.​

Check out her FREE guide​, 10 Rookie Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How To Fix Them.

To get even more business inspiration, connect with her on Facebook,​ Twitter​, and LinkedIn.​

Listen to this episode


What You’ll Learn

  • How Tameka built her business as a single mother of two with a full time job
  • Five reasons you're struggling to build your business...and what to do instead
  • How to let go of your fear of receiving, and why this is so important
  • Why you need to keep revisiting and refining your ideal client avatar
  • How to do ongoing marketing research...and why you need to keep doing it

Inspiring Women

Things We Discussed

Connect with Tameka

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