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Into the Woods with Holly Worton

Dec 26, 2016

Today’s Guest

I'm back with another solo show! This is the last episode of the year, so I'm excited to be doing it myself. In this episode, I reflect on things I've done this year, and how I'm learning to balance going deep within and accessing my intuition and my inner wisdom with focusing my energy outward so I can shine online in my marketing. It's been a learning journey, with me focusing more on one or the other of those two at different times throughout the year. The important thing is that, instead of functioning more on a surface level, completing my daily tasks and things on my to do list, I've delved deeper into both areas: I really stepped up and made myself visible in a bigger way in my business, and I also made the time and space for silence so I could access my inner wisdom. It's transformed my business, and in this episode, I share how you can do this, too.

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