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Into the Woods with Holly Worton

Apr 6, 2020


Cara Wilde is back on the podcast, and she's joining me for a co-hosted episode! Cara has been a guest on the show several times before. Today, we talk about how to get help from Nature in these uncertain times of COVID-19. We are still allowed to get outdoors for one type of exercise daily, and we can make the most of that time (while still staying safe). 


About Cara Wilde

Cara supports professional women who want to make a difference in the world but are feeling stalled in their authentic work and want to reclaim their Soul purpose with confidence.

She helps healers, coaches and therapists at any stage of their professional lives who are looking to deepen their spiritual and professional development. Cara left her counselling and more mainstream work behind her when she couldn’t use her psychic abilities or work with guides and began to feel as though she was working blind. She set up her own business as an EFT practitioner, started to use her channeling and intuitive abilities and felt like she’d got the team on board and helped her clients in making more significant and longer lasting changes in their lives. 

As part of her work Cara channels a collective called The Ancients and offers practical guidance and support specific to the needs and concerns of those of us who are deeply sensitive and passionate about creating real change in the world. Cara passionately believes that those of us considered misfits are truly here to create a new way in the world and are part of the Divine’s blueprint for a Heaven on Earth. 

Cara lives in Cornwall, surrounded by the ocean and stone circles. She home educates her two children and when life gets too hectic, you can find her running the trails or curled up under a heavy blanket with a good book. You can find her at her website, on Facebook, or her YouTube channel. 




What You'll Learn

  • The benefits of getting exercise outdoors in these unusual times
  • Why it’s so helpful to connect with the bigger picture that Nature provides us
  • How to manage the delicate balance between social distancing and our mental/physical health
  • How to comply with local government regulations and still care for yourself
  • Extra precautions we can take to stay safe outdoors
  • How to connect with Nature even at home
  • Why sharing our photos can be an act of service to others (as well as connection)



Things We Discussed


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